Dreams And Dilemmas (Part 2)

I laid cold on my bed

Missing the warmth in my womb…. 

Experiencing the worst nightmare I ever had

My body evolved into a tomb…. 

I took a glance around the room

Craving to get a sight of my angel…. 

Only to realise my life was doomed

As I Couldn’t save her from the dissonant’s strangle…. 

I needed more courage to live than to die

With the guilt of losing the descendant of my love…. 

The place impromptuly filled with darkness escalating from the sky 

Leaving me no vision to find my dove…. 

All of a sudden, amidst The darkness, I heard someone’s distorted bellow

Which lead me to the sight of a drowning Ark in the middle of the river…. 

So I swam with every inch of beat left to restore the mellow

Of that beseted soul, which it had surrendered to the quiver…. 

Reaching there,I glanced into it’s eyes

Whose beauty coerced me to embrace it in my arms…. 

The thought of my loss tempted me to defy The dreadful storms and skies

Which were trying to gobble up an innocent child along with its dawn…. 

The formidable squall

tried hustling me away from that little doll…. 

But it Couldn’t stop me

from feeling her chuckles and glee …. 

The resentful tide made me leave her on the shore

As it choked me, only to drag me easily to the ocean’s core…. 

I woke up to the known hymn of my Ed’s chant

He seemed worried for me as I was in the bed ridden state…. 

The look in his eyes were proving the fact that I had lost an infant

Which made me beg to thy Lord “Why couldn’t you let that dream be my fate”…. 

But all of a sudden, as I was sobbing

I heard someone else whimpering…. 

It was our baby in his arms

All Healthy with eyes full of enchanting charm…. 

We both stared at each other with Gleam

As we knew that we were past the abhorrent dilemma…. 

To finally have a chance to build a new life, a new dream

Along with our symbol of love, Emma…. 

…. If you’ve left out Dreams And Dilemmas (Part 1),click over the Blue region and check it out at once 

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