The Earth and its Moon 

In the dark space, they live together

With fixed space in between, they are bound to each other….

For one is the earth, and the other is its very moon

Applauding each other from night to noon….

While the earth says ” You’re the mighty moon, the one and only

Who wipes away the darkness to save the helpless and lonely….

The one who acts as my prejudicial pride and my prideful prejudice

The one who sings the beautiful Symphonies with its inaudible voice….”

To which the moon first repulsed, and then reposed

And said something that left the earth in a frozen pose….

“All you said about me is sweet to sound

But when you’ll face the reality, you’ll keep rotating round and round….

For it’s you because of whom the million hearts are fond of me

For it’s you because of whom my light is the only one for the many to see….

For it’s you who stood by me since my birth

For it’s you who makes my existence worth…. ”

Hearing this made the earth twirl round and round, for ever and ever

To this time and till infinity, the earth and the moon will always be found altogether….

46 thoughts on “The Earth and its Moon 

      1. Al saher is my anonymous name…. And I love when people know me out by it…. Just the way Cathy is for you 💖
        My real name is Shravan 😎


      2. You know how there are some questions you never have answers to. Its like that. I don’t why i chose this name, but i love it. (Cathy is actually short for Catherine.)
        Sure i love my real name the most, but only when said completely and not turned short, which in India atleast, IS SO NOT POSSIBLE…. Because people here feel its necessary to shorten you name into something horrendous!

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